Blogger Layouts

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday....boring day..

So I had two SD dates planned today. One was with a pot, the other one is someone I have met once before. My dad needs to borrow my car though. Its quite annoying that him and his wife only have one vehicle and have to share it. Then I become the backup plan. I would have no problem accepting a ride from the SD I have been out on a date with once before. But then I feel like I am not in control. I would rather have my own escape vehicle. Its somethin I will have to think about. I wish I lived in a city where I could just take the train or bus. Oh well for dreaming lol.
I am thinking about relocating to my old stomping grounds. Its the sunshine state lol. Right now I am living in this shit city in the big T state. There are pots here, but I would have the creme of the crop in the sunshine state. Things to ponder..

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