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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Recent dates...

I have been on a few dates since I last posted, well just two dates. They both were from POF. Now this is not my favorite site for finding guys to go out with, but its free and I am tired of spending money on eharmony and

P.S- I am thinking about renewing for one last Hoorah. I have to see if I can find a coupon online though.

I do not even remember the name of the first guy I went out with. So let's call him....Mr. Midlife-Crisis. I believe he was about 38 years old, very good looking and was well off financially. But he had recently got a divorce back in Oct 2011 and his ex wife just moved out a couple of months ago. So those were two red flags for me. He said they had a great relationship but she was not giving him the physical "affection" he needed and asked for a divorce, rather then cheating on her. Needless to say, he was quite new to the dating world. He was fresh out of the gate, and was excited about his new found freedom. I do not think he was really looking to get into a relationship. I really feel he was looking for something casual, but still wanted the physical aspect of it all. I could just see myself really liking him, then getting hurt. The actual dinner part of the date went really well. If it had just ended after that, I truly believe we could have made it to a second date. He wanted to go out for drinks afterwords. I should have said no, but I agreed. I was getting over being sick so I was starting to get tired and eventually ended up cranky. We found ourselves at a loud bar with a bunch of loud young adults. He was really enjoying being there (midlife crisis). I could see the shitty grin on his face, it was like he found his youth again. I however was not entertained and was tired of saying "WHAT!!??". I told him I better get going. I think he could see the annoyance on my face. We left the bar and said goodnight. We text a few times after and then we never heard from each other again. Oh well.

So that date was about three weeks ago. Last night I went out with a guy we shall call, Air Force. He is closer to my age, never married and has no kids. I had originally messaged him first on POF (which is a rare thing). His profile pictures made it seem like he had a fun, outgoing personality. I did not see much of that personality during dinner. The conversation was a bit strained and I found myself trying to think of things to talk about. Good thing I can pretty much hold a conversation with everyone. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt since it was our first date and I think he was nervous/shy. I may go out with him again next weekend. Maybe he will loosen up a bit. I think he has a good head on his shoulders. I can tell he has not been jaded nor has his mind been poisoned by past relationships or ex girlfriends.This could be a good or bad thing. Till next time.....

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