Blogger Layouts

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I have always been intrigued by the dating and relationship world. I feel like for so long I have wanted to be in a relationship that I have started to feel hopeless (not hopeless enough to give up). I look around my social network of friends who are married and or in loving relationships, and I look at myself and think, what the fuck is wrong with you Ash? I constantly ask myself if I am being too picky or not giving enough guys a chance? Then when I do give the iffy, red flag guys a chance, I always end up kicking myself in the ass. Should I seek therapy? Is there some underlying issues I have that prevents me from finding my prince charming? Maybe. I also find myself thinking about past relationships a lot, and wondering what went wrong? Mostly from the ones that ended and I never had closure. Women need closure..actually I think men do too. Maybe the unanswered ending to my past relationships have left me self concious about going into future ones. Who the hell really knows.


I have read so many "self help" books when it comes to relationships. Per request my mother bought me Patti Stanger's "Become your own Matchmaker" book for Christmas last year. I think I may actually start reading it. She seems to know what she is talking about lol. By the way I think she has a new season coming up soon! So excited!

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