I have been on a few dates since I last posted, well just two dates. They both were from POF. Now this is not my favorite site for finding guys to go out with, but its free and I am tired of spending money on eharmony and match.com
P.S- I am thinking about renewing Match.com for one last Hoorah. I have to see if I can find a coupon online though.
I do not even remember the name of the first guy I went out with. So let's call him....Mr. Midlife-Crisis. I believe he was about 38 years old, very good looking and was well off financially. But he had recently got a divorce back in Oct 2011 and his ex wife just moved out a couple of months ago. So those were two red flags for me. He said they had a great relationship but she was not giving him the physical "affection" he needed and asked for a divorce, rather then cheating on her. Needless to say, he was quite new to the dating world. He was fresh out of the gate, and was excited about his new found freedom. I do not think he was really looking to get into a relationship. I really feel he was looking for something casual, but still wanted the physical aspect of it all. I could just see myself really liking him, then getting hurt. The actual dinner part of the date went really well. If it had just ended after that, I truly believe we could have made it to a second date. He wanted to go out for drinks afterwords. I should have said no, but I agreed. I was getting over being sick so I was starting to get tired and eventually ended up cranky. We found ourselves at a loud bar with a bunch of loud young adults. He was really enjoying being there (midlife crisis). I could see the shitty grin on his face, it was like he found his youth again. I however was not entertained and was tired of saying "WHAT!!??". I told him I better get going. I think he could see the annoyance on my face. We left the bar and said goodnight. We text a few times after and then we never heard from each other again. Oh well.
So that date was about three weeks ago. Last night I went out with a guy we shall call, Air Force. He is closer to my age, never married and has no kids. I had originally messaged him first on POF (which is a rare thing). His profile pictures made it seem like he had a fun, outgoing personality. I did not see much of that personality during dinner. The conversation was a bit strained and I found myself trying to think of things to talk about. Good thing I can pretty much hold a conversation with everyone. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt since it was our first date and I think he was nervous/shy. I may go out with him again next weekend. Maybe he will loosen up a bit. I think he has a good head on his shoulders. I can tell he has not been jaded nor has his mind been poisoned by past relationships or ex girlfriends.This could be a good or bad thing. Till next time.....
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
I have always been intrigued by the dating and relationship world. I feel like for so long I have wanted to be in a relationship that I have started to feel hopeless (not hopeless enough to give up). I look around my social network of friends who are married and or in loving relationships, and I look at myself and think, what the fuck is wrong with you Ash? I constantly ask myself if I am being too picky or not giving enough guys a chance? Then when I do give the iffy, red flag guys a chance, I always end up kicking myself in the ass. Should I seek therapy? Is there some underlying issues I have that prevents me from finding my prince charming? Maybe. I also find myself thinking about past relationships a lot, and wondering what went wrong? Mostly from the ones that ended and I never had closure. Women need closure..actually I think men do too. Maybe the unanswered ending to my past relationships have left me self concious about going into future ones. Who the hell really knows.
I have read so many "self help" books when it comes to relationships. Per request my mother bought me Patti Stanger's "Become your own Matchmaker" book for Christmas last year. I think I may actually start reading it. She seems to know what she is talking about lol. By the way I think she has a new season coming up soon! So excited!
I have read so many "self help" books when it comes to relationships. Per request my mother bought me Patti Stanger's "Become your own Matchmaker" book for Christmas last year. I think I may actually start reading it. She seems to know what she is talking about lol. By the way I think she has a new season coming up soon! So excited!
Its been awhile...let's try this again.
I am a horrible blogger! I confess. I always think about writing all my dating stories or meetups down, but I get lazy and I don't. Honestly, I have not had a lot of time to even date until recently. So here I am, ready to share my stories with you.
I don't really have a rhyme or rythm to my dating madness. I use to pay for the dating websites, but I had no luck. So I have been sticking to good ol POF.COM. I was very hesitant about this site, since its free and all. But I have been lucky so far *knock on wood* that I havent met any psychos.
I don't really have a rhyme or rythm to my dating madness. I use to pay for the dating websites, but I had no luck. So I have been sticking to good ol POF.COM. I was very hesitant about this site, since its free and all. But I have been lucky so far *knock on wood* that I havent met any psychos.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Years....
I hope everyone had a great New Years Eve. I tried to ring in 2012 awake, but I could not force my eyes open any longer.
One of my New Years resolutions (among many) is to keep up with this blog. Honestly, the only reason I quit writing, because I decided to not get involved in the Sugar World. It was not a good time for me. I had an infant who was still very young and woke up a few times at night. I just was not in the mood physically or mentally for it. My daughter is now 1 years old, my body is looking better and so is my mental state of mind.
I live in the "great" state of Texas. I hate the city I live in and miss the East Coast terribly. My goal is to end up in NYC or somewhere around there. The pickings for local pots are quite slim. There seem to be more in the neighboring cities such as Austin and Dallas. I am ready to be successful in the sugar bowl this time.
I am talking to a few pots. I am not sure if any of them are worth mentioning at this time. I will tell you about the one in Dallas though.
Mr.Lawyer: I contacted Mr.Lawyer on SA.com. He lives in Dallas which is a little far from me. I happened to be up there last week and we met for lunch. I was not too hungry so we had a few drinks and appetizers. The conversation was good, but I could hardly hear him, he spoke quite low. So I just smiled and shook my head most of the time. We both decided we wanted to start an arrangement together. I was in town to see family so my time was limited. I told him we should pick a weekend to fly me back out to Dallas, hook up the hotel room and start our arrangement from there. The money conversation did not come up. I decided to hold off on that conversation when I have a ticket booked. We have kept in touch since then and he is letting me know what weekend works best for him. I guess we will see what happens.
Right now I am currently on SA and SD4M. I have to be aggressive on SA and send out a ton of emails a day. SD4M I seem to get a nice stream of emails per day. Although some of them I cant open because the guy is to cheap to pay for a membership. I am thinking about getting back on SD.COM I have had a little bit of luck on that site. I hate to pay for it though. I think their price went up too.
I do not have my daughter today so I am going to get off my ass and do a little shopping..
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Pocket Rocket...
Hello lovies,
I went out with S5C (Stage 5 Clinger) on Tuesday night when I got out of class. We went to the Cheesecake Factory and sat at the bar to watch the HEAT -VS- MAVERICS game. Now, I was not really into S5C too much. He was very controlling and it had to be his way, or no way. I hate arrogant men. I thought I would give it one more try, so that is why I agreed to meet.
Class ran a bit late, so when I arrived he already had a table. I walked in and sat down. He looked at me and said, "Wow, I do not even get a hug hello?" I looked at him and replied, " Your the man, when a woman you are trying to court walks in, you get up and greet her hello. Not sit on your ass." Am I wrong for thinking like that?
So we ordered some food, and we were talking. He told me to, "feel how cold his hands were" under the table. So I reached under the table and I felt a vibrating object in my hand. I quickly yanked away and said what the hell was that? S5C started laughing and handed me a black bag. I knew what it was. I tried to be a good sport about it and just smiled. I put the black bag in my purse and excused myself to the bathroom (no, not to use the pocket rocket lol). I had to think about where this whole thing was going. S5C was never really a "pot" or "sd". This man wanted a relationship, well, so I thought. If that were the case, he wouldnt have bought me a pocket rocket. He would try to court me like a gentlemen. The first thing he ever bought me shouldnt have been a vibrator. Sorry, but thats not a way for HIM to get in my pants. Now that I have a vibrator, what do I need him for? You are dismissed S5C.
I went back to the table and sat down. We started talking about, "us". Which just lead to bickering at one another. He wouldnt let me speak and tell him how I felt. I told him this would never work. He kept telling me to be quiet and stop saying that. I politely said, "thank you for dinner", and got up and left. ( Yes, I took the vibrator.)
Growing relationships are suppose to be fun. Not arguing on the second date.
So that was the end of S5C. Maybe if he had actually gotten me a gift, plus the vibrator I wouldnt have been annoyed. Why say you want a relationship, not someone to fuck? When clearly, that is not true.

**I do not know what I am seeking out of my journey. As I said in my last post, I am open to a relationship. I am also down with the strictly SD/SB arrangement. **
I went out with S5C (Stage 5 Clinger) on Tuesday night when I got out of class. We went to the Cheesecake Factory and sat at the bar to watch the HEAT -VS- MAVERICS game. Now, I was not really into S5C too much. He was very controlling and it had to be his way, or no way. I hate arrogant men. I thought I would give it one more try, so that is why I agreed to meet.
Class ran a bit late, so when I arrived he already had a table. I walked in and sat down. He looked at me and said, "Wow, I do not even get a hug hello?" I looked at him and replied, " Your the man, when a woman you are trying to court walks in, you get up and greet her hello. Not sit on your ass." Am I wrong for thinking like that?
So we ordered some food, and we were talking. He told me to, "feel how cold his hands were" under the table. So I reached under the table and I felt a vibrating object in my hand. I quickly yanked away and said what the hell was that? S5C started laughing and handed me a black bag. I knew what it was. I tried to be a good sport about it and just smiled. I put the black bag in my purse and excused myself to the bathroom (no, not to use the pocket rocket lol). I had to think about where this whole thing was going. S5C was never really a "pot" or "sd". This man wanted a relationship, well, so I thought. If that were the case, he wouldnt have bought me a pocket rocket. He would try to court me like a gentlemen. The first thing he ever bought me shouldnt have been a vibrator. Sorry, but thats not a way for HIM to get in my pants. Now that I have a vibrator, what do I need him for? You are dismissed S5C.
I went back to the table and sat down. We started talking about, "us". Which just lead to bickering at one another. He wouldnt let me speak and tell him how I felt. I told him this would never work. He kept telling me to be quiet and stop saying that. I politely said, "thank you for dinner", and got up and left. ( Yes, I took the vibrator.)
Growing relationships are suppose to be fun. Not arguing on the second date.
So that was the end of S5C. Maybe if he had actually gotten me a gift, plus the vibrator I wouldnt have been annoyed. Why say you want a relationship, not someone to fuck? When clearly, that is not true.

**I do not know what I am seeking out of my journey. As I said in my last post, I am open to a relationship. I am also down with the strictly SD/SB arrangement. **
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Let's Start Over...
So I have been stalking anyones blog I can get access too. I have read most of them from beginning to end and I think I have this whole Sugar stuff all wrong.
I decided to give my blog a makeover. First of all, it wasnt fit to who I really am. I am a 23 year old female, who has brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin with plenty of tattoos. I have a sarcasitc sense of humor and sometimes, a fucked up personality. I am rough around the edges, and have NO time for bull shit. I am quick to kick someones ass to the curb. I am a mom to a beautiful little girl and a college student studying Criminal Justice..
In my sugar bowl....
I started talking to this guy named STAGE 5 CLINGER lol...I will abbreviate and call him S5C haha...
Okay so S5C is a 45 year old man I met of SD.COM. He is in medical sales and lives 20 min away from me. We have been talking for two months now. About two weeks ago, we went to dinner at Rocco Tacos. We hit it off right away. I thought he was very handsome (finally a change from the duds I have met in the past), great body and smelled yummy. I think he put on a little too much cologne, but whatever. We had some drinks at the bar and then made our way to the table for food. We had great conversations and I felt really comfortable around him. The night ended and he walked me to my car, I could tell he wanted to kiss me. I do not kiss on the first date. I hugged him and thanked him for dinner. Right after he started texting me and asking me what I thought of him. I told him he was attractive and I was interested. We would meet up again soon.
S5C and I were suppose to meet up last week after I got out of class. His son was in a car accident and he couldnt make it. It was fine, I was tired anyway. The Saturday he wanted to take me to the Mall in Miami. Things got complicated. My daughter was very fussy. Her two bottom teeth are coming in and I didnt want to leave her with my mom. S5C said I could bring the baby, but I didnt want to. He was pissed off about it. Oh well, he raised a baby so he should cut me some slack.
I have mixed feelings about him. He is nice, but trys to control me. I do not like to be controlled. I guess that is the trade off to seeing a man who has money and a big ego.
P.S- S5C is looking for a relationship. I do not know how I feel about it. I really want something fun and casual and see what happens. I am not totally opposed to being in a relationship. Just not right away.
He also sent me a pic of his ex, dont know why. If you google core models..she will come up in one of the albums on Myspace. She has a sexy look to her. Not very classy. We are TOTALLY different.
I have a date with a pot. I have not decided if I am going to go out with him or not. I have class tonight. S5C wants to hang out too and watch the HEAT game. I hate basketball and want the Mavericks to win haha. Florida pro fans are so fake. They only cheer for a team when they are winning.
I decided to give my blog a makeover. First of all, it wasnt fit to who I really am. I am a 23 year old female, who has brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin with plenty of tattoos. I have a sarcasitc sense of humor and sometimes, a fucked up personality. I am rough around the edges, and have NO time for bull shit. I am quick to kick someones ass to the curb. I am a mom to a beautiful little girl and a college student studying Criminal Justice..
I am on Seeking Arrangement and SugarDaddie.com I do not know if its because of my location, but I have better "luck" on SugarDaddie.com. Every once in awhile I will get some emails from Seeking Arrangement. The shit thing about SD is, you have to pay. Also, a lot of men on there are looking for a relationship. Most of the men that are looking for a relationship are SUPER clingy. I thought to myself, I can fake the relationship part. Atleast, I will try. Is it mean? Maybe. Do I care? Not really. I know Karma is a bitch. The men who wants a girlfriend seem to be more generous. Now that brings me to the first guy...In my sugar bowl....
I started talking to this guy named STAGE 5 CLINGER lol...I will abbreviate and call him S5C haha...
Okay so S5C is a 45 year old man I met of SD.COM. He is in medical sales and lives 20 min away from me. We have been talking for two months now. About two weeks ago, we went to dinner at Rocco Tacos. We hit it off right away. I thought he was very handsome (finally a change from the duds I have met in the past), great body and smelled yummy. I think he put on a little too much cologne, but whatever. We had some drinks at the bar and then made our way to the table for food. We had great conversations and I felt really comfortable around him. The night ended and he walked me to my car, I could tell he wanted to kiss me. I do not kiss on the first date. I hugged him and thanked him for dinner. Right after he started texting me and asking me what I thought of him. I told him he was attractive and I was interested. We would meet up again soon.
S5C and I were suppose to meet up last week after I got out of class. His son was in a car accident and he couldnt make it. It was fine, I was tired anyway. The Saturday he wanted to take me to the Mall in Miami. Things got complicated. My daughter was very fussy. Her two bottom teeth are coming in and I didnt want to leave her with my mom. S5C said I could bring the baby, but I didnt want to. He was pissed off about it. Oh well, he raised a baby so he should cut me some slack.
I have mixed feelings about him. He is nice, but trys to control me. I do not like to be controlled. I guess that is the trade off to seeing a man who has money and a big ego.
P.S- S5C is looking for a relationship. I do not know how I feel about it. I really want something fun and casual and see what happens. I am not totally opposed to being in a relationship. Just not right away.
He also sent me a pic of his ex, dont know why. If you google core models..she will come up in one of the albums on Myspace. She has a sexy look to her. Not very classy. We are TOTALLY different.
I have a date with a pot. I have not decided if I am going to go out with him or not. I have class tonight. S5C wants to hang out too and watch the HEAT game. I hate basketball and want the Mavericks to win haha. Florida pro fans are so fake. They only cheer for a team when they are winning.
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